Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Illustration Links

A quick round up of the interesting illustration sites I have come across of late.

Illustration portfolio and shop from Australian Ghost Patrol

Portfolio site from Barnaby Ward

German artist Heiko Muller's illustration work

Ian Francis' mixed media artwork

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Hyper Real Photography Round Up

Here's a quick round up of some of the best photographic and digital enhanced imagery sites and folios I have found on my travels.

Bizarre looking photography mainly consisting of variety of machinery and gadgets from Caleb Charland.

Craig Sheilds digital illustration portfolio.

Often quite disturbing digitally enhanced photographs from Ricardo Salamanca, especially interesting to see the before and after shots.

Fashion photography website from Miles Aldridge.

Takeshi's folio site.

Creative fashion photography portal site digital softbox.

Prolific fashion photographer Steven Klein's extensive fashion portfolio.

Midlands Design Events

It's going to be a busy few weeks in the Midlands for big creative events. Hopefully a good sign of the Midlands getting more established on the creative map.

Hello Digital kicks off with Hello World on 23-24th with Hello Digital on till the 26th. A chance to meet life sized robots, control a giant wall of sound and see some leading lights of the animation world at Millennium Point. 

Plus+ on 5th- 8th November looks like it's going to be better than ever. As always showcasing creative talent in typo/graphic design, plus a great line up of speakers including Jonathan Barnbrook & Airside, can't wait.

Wolvehampton plays host to the Flip Animation Festival on 6th - 8th November, clashing with Plus+ is prob not a good idea but if your more into your animation than graphics looks worth a visit.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Media Talent Bank

I've recently signed up to be a guest blogger on Media Talent Bank. If you want some hints and tips on things to consider before going freelance then read my post here. I shall be posting a few more hints and tips in the next few months so keep 'em peeled and if you've not already registered with the website click here.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Scandinavian Illustration

A massive generalisation I'm sure but there seems to be something delicate and quite beautiful about Scandinavian illustration and design. If your up in the north over the next couple of weeks there is an exhibition entitled tradition in Newcastle showcasing 10 designers/illustrators. If not head to the collaborators page and check out their websites.

Little People

I love this guys work you may have seen some of these before, street art on a miniature scale, little hand painted models left around london. Slinkachu's blog has lots of examples and book of his work is also available, just ordered my copy.

The History of Visual Communication

If you are interested art/ design history and want to learn a bit more about the how it has developed from cave paintings to the present day then checkout this website. As well as text and image overview of the various developments through time it also has downloadable, walkable 3D VRML features for each section. I can't seem to get the viewer for Intel Macs so let me know if it's any good.

New Mac Book Pro

Well the guys at apple must have been rather busy of late, with the new 3G iphone, ipod touch, nano and now redesigned Mac books. If you want a tour of the new design, along with some rather over the top interviews with apple big wigs (the senior vice president of design Jony Ive looks like he might cry at the beauty of the whole thing) check out the online video.

I'm slightly undecided on it's visual appeal, the crisp screen and upgraded graphics performance seems the main pull but I think I prefer the all silver appearance of the previous Mac Book Pro. Then again I might just be saying that because I only bought mine 6 months ago and am a bit miffed that they've brought out the new one at around the same price point.... I'm so fickle.  

Hand Made Font

Firstly I must appologise for my lack of posts in the last couple of weeks been rather hectic. Came across this interesting site selling hand made fonts from a variety of objects, from Estonian based design company. Not a new concept but they are very well made and some of them quite beautiful.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Links from September

Online horror mini movie Outbreak where you make the choices that decide if you survive! 

Polish studio Ars Thanea, with intricate photoshopped images and advertising campaigns

FFFFOUND upload or view some of your favorite images found on the web and the site will recomend others you may like, good source for random inspiration.

Clean design and typography folio from Simon Bent